Sunday, August 12, 2007

aftermath & writing

My son's party is over and this morning I feel like several steamrollers smushed me into the mud... then backed over me for good measure.

Truth be told, I believe everyone had a lovely time--plenty of squeals and shrieks emanated from the munchkins who raced around our backyard trying to vie for each other's attention and approval.

Unfortunately, I (as hostess) spent the least time with the guests. It seems as if that happens more and more. Ironically, I did less this year in terms of prep work than I have for my little guy's previous parties. But I still found myself inside the house instead of on the deck. I have to work on being more "available" next year.

In the midst of the swirling tornadic activity, I wrote. I wrote Friday all day, I wrote Saturday morning before getting ready for the party, and I'm writing now. It's a never ending game of tag--snag a job, get it done, take a quick breath, tackle the next project.

Maybe writing IS "child's play", after all.


Anonymous said...

Impressed that you wrote at all The Day After. For your son's birthday present from me, check out these fun links on my blog: Cats in Sinks, The Cat Came Back animation, Jackson Pollack, and zefranc's string spins (both of them and other stuff on his website). I'll have to do a Kid Post one day.

The Quoibler said...

Those are awesome links! I especially like Jackson Pollack (one of my favorite artists!)