Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Lyrics to a song made up by my almost-kindergarten aged office mate. (He's a poet, I think...)

Socks go in the laundry...
I don't know why everything is rearranged
Into my life...


I just don't...

(By the way, I have no idea what this means, but it sounds pretty cool. And let's face it -- half the songs on the market are rather obscure, so why should his be any different?)


Anonymous said...

The scary thing is, I understand it. Quite well, actually.

And it's very deep for a poet that age.

The Quoibler said...


I hear ya. My husband thinks we have another Jim Morrison -- good lord, I hope he doesn't become a crazed alcoholic who calls himself the lizard king...


Mary Witzl said...

I don't know why everything is rearranged into MY life, come to think of it. Especially all the dirty dishes, smelly socks and never-ending meals to prepare...

Your young lad is learning!

Jennifer said...

That's totally awesome. Your kid rocks. That's how I feel half the time. He must be an old soul. Well, an old but cute soul.

Beth said...

Okay, I absolutely love it! Too bad we didn't have a video of the budding poet/song writer in action. He's a cutie!