Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another reason to eschew Chuck E. Cheese

I'm telling you -- Chuck E. Cheese is the devil's den. Wait. I take that back. Even Satan would have trouble staying sane amidst the clanging, screaming and tasteless pizza.

Here's a news item that proves my point. It's from our local paper.



Hoodie said...

I find Chuck E Cheese abhorrent in every way.

Anonymous said...

Damn. What Hoodie beat me to saying. Chuck-my-Cheese (as hubby calls it)....

Beth said...

Yuck to Chuck. My kids never were into it, thank God, but they loved the Discovery Zone.

I can't imagine gangland at the Chuck E Cheese.

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Chuckecheese is the devil.

Precie said...

OMG! I'll have to see if our Chuck has had similar problems.

It's a zoo and the pizza tastes like cardboard dipped in ketchup, but some days, it's a godsend.

Mary Witzl said...

My heart goes out to whoever has to put on that mouse uniform and be the Chuck E Cheese mouse. What a way to earn a crust!

Kim said...

I'm with you about Chuck E. Cheese being Satan's Playground. I hate it. The one near us (which we only go to on the rarest of occasions, thank God) is overrun with thuggish types, who cut in front of the little kids and all that. The last time we went, one made the mistake of challenging my husband (a 6'2" construction worker whose built like a linebacker) - I don't know what hubby said to him, but the kid turned white and walked away REAL fast.

I won't set foot in one again on a bet...

Anonymous said...

We don't go anymore - the junk they put in the "food" sends my children into an ADD reaction that lasts a week. Sorry, not worth it. It's easier to eat clean than control a child with ADD (

The Quoibler said...

I think it's safe to say we all abhor Chuck E Cheese. Amen.
